Once again teaming up with the directing team Aggressive, as well as the production and technical savvy of ATM Virtual, Pixel Race, Mriya Production and Tigrelab, I was tasked with crafting the narrative aspect of the experiential film Murals. Murals is an immersive visual experience that uses cutting-edge 3D scanning to place viewers face to face with the war devastation in Ukraine. The not-for-profit art project follows captures of Banksy’s art work left on the rubble of people’s homes, schools and infrastructure.

The project was initiated by Artem Ivanenko, a 3d artist from Irpin, Ukraine, which was one of the first towns to be hit during the Russian invasion. Later, when the Russian troops withdrew, Ivanenko returned to Irpin to record the devastating destruction using 3d scanning.

Murals premiered at the Cannes Film Festival to critical acclaim. Those in attendance included the heads of the Polish Film Institute, Cannes Next, European Film Commission and Ministry of Culture Ukraine.